I call on Oren when I am ready to optimize and level up exponentially. Every single session I've had with Oren has been exponential both personally and professionally. I’ve taken my business from 9 figures to 10 then 11 figures through his mastery training. He’s organic, original and he’s there to truly level up the game changers and difference makers in this world.
Peter Ngyuen
You are a rare soul with a uniquely coded genius that is meant to change the world.
You know deep down you are here for a divine purposE
a destiny that only you can FULLFilL.
You’re a visionary, a leader, a paradigm shifter, a sacred disrupter,
a true artist at heart.
The leading edge is your home.
You aren’t interested in limitations and you play in possibility.
Your deepest fear is unfulfilled potential…
Not fulfilling your mission …not doing what you came here to do as a soul…not being who you came here to be.
You don’t just believe anything is possible…you live it!

I can't describe what its like to work with me because I have no set philosophy, plan, modality, or agenda. I work directly with the God inside you and your souls unique genius to fulfill your destiny.
Because I come with no preconceived ideas, judgement, projection, or opinion, I can see the truth of your soul.
I have expertise in many fields and a fair amount of wisdom but my greatest offering is my unconditional love, my knowing that anything is possible, and my ability to see your souls highest potential and actualize it.
I work directly with source so I can show up as whatever will be of greatest service to your heart, soul, potential, and mission.. Mentor, coach, business strategist, Sensei, mirror, oracle, spiritual guide, creative director …
Whatever will take you from great to legendary.

Designed for high impact makers, leaders, & high performers who are committed to their highest potential.
Awaken and embody your next level of influence and brilliance.
Tap into spaces beyond what you conceived possible & learn to access the true source of your infinite power.
Become what O calls "your legendary soul."
Are you one of them?

2 slots per year
by application only

“O operates at a zone of genius within flowstate. His work is heart centered and spirit guided to open infinite intelligence.”
Aaron James
With O, I come to immediate clarity and profound Break-throughs. In 15 minutes, I experience a level of healing and transformation that has taken years in traditional therapy. Because of my work with O, I experience peace and love as a Way of Being. My outer reality has shifted into one continuous miracle of
living in abundance, synchronicity, and joy.
Coach Cora

Access your true limitless nature by activating revolutionary transformations in your personal relationships, your personal power, and your ability to operate in consistent states of FLOW MODE and GOD MODE in daily living.
Learn to experience your life fully integrated and aligned, living in a exalted state, where inspiration, clarity, peace, and power become the baseline of your existence.


"Working with Oren Harris feels like taking the red pill from Morpheus in the Matrix.
Your reality changes in an instant. One insight from him shifts the entire paradigm of your business and life.
As you move together awake in the dream you not only get to taste limitless by working with him, you become it.
It’s like having your own personan genie, oracle, magician, and flow master all in one.
He will be closing 6 figure deals with you one minute, and free-styling with you the next.
This man truly has no edges, which means he will never be stopped by any of yours.
There is truly no one in the world like him"