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go full dojo

Are you ready to go all the way?

What is an Immersion?


Immersions are private client experiences. Curated just for you and your soul's current expansion. A transformational dojo deigned to significantly level up your life personally, professionally, and spiritually.


It’s perfect fit for you if:


You are primed and positioned to make a peaceful,  powerful, massive jump in your life. A grounded Quantum leap.


You are at a tipping point…

On the verge of something big.

You know you are at a threshold of expansion that is more exponential than incremental. 


You are making a shift to another stage of your evolution, another level, rather than just another state. 


You know this because you feel excited but calm. The calm is from your inner knowing that it’s your time.


You’ve prepared and you are devoted. There is a momentum in spirit that your mind, body, and reality are just catching up to. 


You aren’t in desperation, in need of a miracle or looking for someone to save you. You are in a space of pure possibility. 


You are fully committed and going for it with or without my help so you are positioned to receive maximum impact in co-creation  with me.


What happens in an immersion?

A once in a lifetime unforgettable experience. 

We meet the mystery full on together. 


At the core of my genius is my ability to merge with God, use my intuition, and connect with your soul to facilitate extraordinary transformation that is tailor made to your unique soul. 


You bring your heart, soul, passion and your biggest biggest vision.


I bring my unconditional love, all of my gifts, and together we make magic!


I take you outside of your comfort zone, your familiar self and world. Outside of the matrix of mind and into the timeless dimension of now where your Infinite self exists and anything is possible.


Kind of like Morpheus and Neo in the “Matrix”.


We expand beyond your current identity into a new state of being and then move into pure creation to ground your vision into reality. 


All of this in a carefully curated 5 star luxury experience filled with adventure and  delicious food! 

The most incredible soul expansion meets your deepest desires. 

We choose the dates and location together. 

Immersions are typically 1 or 2 FULL Day experiences. 

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